About Us

Conference 360°

We’re changing all 360 degrees of how conferences work.  We use the tools of social change to transform conference events, adding a new levels of intentional journey and hands on engagement. Our goal is 10 times the take away and 10 times the reach.

Our Goals and Vision

We aim to increase the quality and quantity of what is delivered in conferences by 10 times.

In standard business conferences, presenters prepare slide decks and material and participants select sessions to attend. With the exception of a short Q&A period, audience members are generally passive. In the Conference 360° model, this gathering moves more toward a scenario forecasting approach. Attendees study the experts’ material beforehand and come not as individual containers to be filled, but as actors ready to contribute. They come in groups that already have momentum with the presenters’ material and are in the process of active change.

When conferences are having this kind of impact, the tools of the John and Abigail Center For Social Change will become even more essential. The 3 Catalysts of social change will allow change to take place in each sector of society and at the level necessary to address the circumstances of our day.

We need to double down in freedom. We need to experience two times the liberty and two times the freedom of our forefathers. This will only be possible if we use new technologies correctly to enhance choice, transforming the way we engage together as we change. Conference 360° is a critical component in distributing the tools that can facilitate this change.



Who We Are

Conference 360° is one of the 16 Solutions put forward by the John And Abigail Center For Social Change designed to help us successfully move into the post industrial and post information age time period, when we will fully experience the visual tradition. 

The Visual Tradition is what we are calling what has naturally followed from the Written Tradition which followed the Oral Tradition. We believe that if we are intentional about how we transition to the visual tradition we can re-engage the best parts of the oral and written traditions. This will help us effectively address the threats of today, from the effects of hyper growing national debt to human extinction due to overspecialization and everything in-between, but then to also take full advantage of the opportunities that are at our doorstep.

Conference 360° will be a key component in developing and demonstrating social change tools and also in actually helping is take some of the steps to bring about the changes needed.


Our Story

Conference 360° is young so our story is really wrapped up in our collective journey and what brought about the need for our services and what made them possible. 

Our story also includes the background of our founders Allen and Martha Levie that lead up to the realization of the need and the potential of this solution.

We both went to college at a tiny young liberal arts school in Cedar City, Utah called George Wythe College. It was here that we were introduced to our history and our story both in the West here in the Untied States of American and our broader global situation. We attended our first conferences in those days and started planting the seeds that grew into the services offered here. 

To learn more about our story and where we are at in our journey visit the Center For Social Change at johnandabigail.com . If you don’t want to type it into your browser scroll to the bottom of the page and click on the logo.

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Meet The Hosts

Amanda Doe

Amanda Doe


Allen Levie is an inventor and architect of ideas. His greatest achievement is in finding and convincing Martha to say yes. After that, the road has been steadily moving along as life has taken him on a journey of discovery, one leading to and opening the door to the next. There have been many people along that road that have made it possible and exciting. The most recognizable story is probably the cofounding of the Abigail’s Oven sourdough bakery located in Spanish Fork and serving people from Northern Utah to Las Vegas. It is one of the 16 Solutions of the John and Abigail Center For Social Change which he founded in 2018 as a culminating umbrella organization.

As will be noted in Martha’s bio below, she and Allen are the parents of 10 remarkable children and live in Salem, Utah. Allen is a faithful member of The Church Of Jesus Christ Of Latter Day Saints and actively seeks to learn about and practice the gospel of peace and all other religious practices that synergize with the teachings of Jesus. He loves people and enjoys meeting with and learning from them. 

Cameron James

Cameron James


Martha Harsh Levie is a gifted presenter and a dear friend to many. She has a light and energy about her that is contagious. Martha is the mother of 10 children, 9 of which were born at home. She loves to learn and understand the issues of today and about the perspectives of those who have not been treated well by society and government. She loves to learn about history and peoples, specifically the Jews and their culture and the Scotts. She was an accomplished Scottish dancer and has a passion for poetry and literature. 

She has recently been leading out in learning from an organization Fatih Matters regarding new insights into the restoration of The Church Of Jesus Christ Of Latter Day Saints and the culture that has grown up around it. She has also recently been digging deeper into the Enneagram among other pursuits and would love to get to know and work with as many people as she can on her journey. 


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